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Maine Coastal Regional Reentry Center Video Class Fall 2017

Video project Shawn Audibert, Norman Kehling, Dan Kesmetis, Ben Young, Allen James, Jimmy Emerton, residents of MCRRC, and I made collaboratively.


My intention behind the collaborative video project was to create an opportunity for creative expression/communication through video and teach basic equipment skills.


I wanted to provide opportunity for direction and content to come from the residents. Timelapse, time passing, changing seasons, and personal narratives were the ideas that surfaced. Most visual content surrounding each audio piece was created or chosen by that individual. Furthermore, the content of the audio piece was up to the individual.


Filming is almost all by the students. Most editing was carried out by me with suggestions/edits/requests from the Residents after I presented drafts in person and through email.


Statements from Each Student:



I had an idea that the situation I’m in could happen to anyone. So, I said Char, let’s do this. I want people to walk in my shoes. Yes I had a choice, but what choice did I really have? My dad’s a dealer, my uncle’s a dealer, my mom’s an addict. It was the family trade. What’s your family trade? I’m like every young boy. I wanted to be like my dad. And that was how I became another lost soul.



At first I declined to put “My Story” because I’m not one to put myself out there to strangers and I am sure my story isn’t really all that unique. But after seeing clips of others, I realized it gave me a chance to express myself and say things that have been on my mind. I asked for Charlotte to read it because I have grown to trust her, which is a rare thing for me.



On the day we filmed, although it was rainy and windy, I think it just added to the film in a way that makes it more Maine and Nautical. I remember getting rained on hard so by the time we got to the water, we were all soaked, dodging the rain: from tree to tree, under that Catamaran, which was great because we got some really good footage that day.



No matter how we got here we try and make the best of our situation. No person should judge another. We all have made mistakes, it’s just that many have not been caught yet. Know this, in a moment life can change and you can be right where I sit. I never thought this could happen to me, but it did. Think before you act, think of who you will hurt and effect with your behavior.



I asked to have Heather read my story because it’s difficult for me to talk about my past. I also left some stuff out that I just don’t feel comfortable sharing with people. But what was shared in this video tells the basics of what I’ve gone through in life.



I just wanted it to show that anyone could struggle with addiction, and life’s hard times could happen to everyone. I also wanted someone else to read this piece for me because of my addiction; it has messed my voice up through the years of snorting drugs. My addiction has destroyed so much of my life physically and mentally.

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